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This year the Organizers have decided to donate the financial income of the 10th ITFR World Championship to two projects.


The first, with an international distinction , is aimed to contribute to the effort that the Rotary International is carrying out for years for the eradication of polio through mass vaccination of all children living in those countries where such disease is still present; the results to date are remarkable, but still we need a little effort to beat this disease completely .


The second, of a more local interest, is to support a project that all Rotary Clubs of the Marche together are performing, since several years, in favor of disabled children . The idea is to offer a week of vacation to about a hundred of them, hosted , together with a companion , in a resort on the Adriatic Riviera , cared for and looked after by Rotary members.Both projects enhance the ​​Rotarian values like the continuity of action in regards to the most needy , the effectiveness and the generosity of volunteers and friendship between people willing to help.

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